H2GO Canada is a Not-for-Profit organization that was established in 2018 to advance a vision of hydrogen becoming a fully developed, low-carbon energy pathway for heat, power and mobility in Canada, as well as for de-carbonizing industrial production, supported by commercially vibrant supply chains.

Its mission is to help make hydrogen systems a practical option for organizations in Canada that are seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within their operations. Accordingly, the work of the organization focuses on cultivating conditions for hydrogen markets to develop, grow and thrive.

Report: Forecasting Low-Carbon Hydrogen Market Characteristics in Ontario to 2050

This report presents a detailed description of a scenario for hydrogen production and use in Ontario that is rooted in conservative assumptions about market constraints and growth potentials, and draws on currently available data and commercial product information. It demonstrates the use of the new H2GrO-TEA Model (i.e., Hydrogen Growth in Ontario Technoeconomic Model) to generate forecasts to 2050 of hydrogen throughput in numerous sectors and subsectors comprising Ontario’s economy. The effects on greenhouse gas emissions and job creation are also quantified, and the associated levelized costs are assessed. As an analytical tool to support market-wide planning and evaluation of prospective hydrogen systems, the H2GrO-TEA Model can facilitate cross-sector coordination on hydrogen system development and help establish achievable targets for scaling up the flow of low-carbon hydrogen through the province’s emerging markets.

Report: Commercial Potential for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage

This report is intended to support and accelerate an important discussion about Ontario’s potential for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) and the closely related opportunity for hydrogen production and storage, which intersects and integrates with systems of carbon capture and use. A summary of the technologies and systems of carbon capture applicable to Ontario’s industrial facilities is presented in this report. Also included is a high-level analysis of regions having carbon storage potential within the province, and the prospective infrastructural connections between sources of carbon dioxide and storage facilities that may be needed and could begin development within the next 10 to 15 years. A mapping of the locations of potential hydrogen subsurface storage sites is presented for consideration, as well as the locations throughout the province where CCUS and hydrogen production and use could concentrate in hubs of market activity.

Report: Developing a Sustainable Approach to Hydrogen Deployment in Canada

In 2019, H2GO Canada released its first report, Developing a Sustainable Approach to Hydrogen Deployment in Canada, as the product of a cross-Canada process of consultation with large employer organizations representing the primary sectors of the national economy. The policies and investment decisions of such organizations will determine in significant part the future of hydrogen systems adoption and expansion in Canada, simply as a matter of their importance and leverage within energy and material supply chains throughout the country. Input from this community-of-interest informed the seven guiding principles of hydrogen strategy development in Canada, set forth in H2GO Canada’s inaugural report:

  1. Prioritize a net gain in employment:

  2. Be guided by analytical rigour, basing deployment decisions on full life cycle analysis of sustainability criteria

  3. Focus on the development of markets to accelerate scale-up

  4. Build on international leadership to secure growth in exports of technology, services and expertise

  5. Use hydrogen to help mobilize Canada’s resources for export

  6. Showcase the application of hydrogen to integrated community energy system design

  7. Deliver clean air benefits to the public